Saturday, March 31, 2018

Trying my hand at new craft projects "Crochet"

I've always been a crafty person.  My mom was a sewer, sewing all us girls frilly dresses.  "Get-er-done" is what my husband has branded me with.  So naturally I am always looking for something new to learn.  I started crocheting when my own girls were born but fell away from the craft for many years.  Now that retirement has set in and we travel quite a bit I've picked it up again.

The Internet has been a great source for finding FREE patterns and You-tube videos are a must.  I found this first one "Crochet Flower Potstand" on and what a challenge it was.  But I loved the colors she used and have made so many of these since finding.  Here are just a few.

My first amigurumi crochet challenge was this little "Nosy-Kitty".  I found her on and it was free as well.  Super cute and EASY to follow.

Love seeing all the awesome crochet projects people are doing.  It amazes me at how very talented and creative these people are.  So now I'm on the hunt for a new project and expanding more brain cells.

Friday, March 30, 2018

Kitchen Remodel back in Florida

For years I've been wanting to replace my countertops.  When we purchased the house in '99 these pink formica countertops and pickled oak cabinets were so great.  Fast forward almost 20 years and they're not so fantastic.  The day finally came in November 2017 when I suggested we go shopping for NEW COUNTERTOPS.  After a few box store excursions my hubby suggested we make our own. "What, make our own!"  Yes sir, that's what we did. 

We've been making some furniture and farmhouse decor for a couple of years (mostly having fun) so I knew we could do it but the time and mess was not what I was looking forward to, at all.  So demo began with the old cabinets getting a new coat of paint and tile and sheetrock coming down.  A real setback was when we discovered mold behind the kitchen sink, UGH.  But after fretting a couple of days about who to call and what to do, we dove in and ripped out the old and put in the new.  Check out the demo progress:

Before reno with pink countertops

Mold problem on sheetrock and back of cabinet

Sheetrock replaced, what a messy job!

We made the countertops our of 2x6 pine lumber.  Our process in short; we trimmed the sides of each board, drilled holes for dowels and glued and clamped together.  Many, many hours of sanding, staining and coats (around 4) of Daly's Crustal Fin sealer they were ready to install. 

Photos before stain and sealer; measuring for sink cut-out

After several weeks of washing dishes in the bathtub, I have a huge THANK-YOU for the individual that invented indoor plumbing.  I never realized how much I actually used that kitchen faucet until it was gone!!!  So after many messy, dusty and inconvenient hours we are FINISHED, though, done,  complete with the kitchen renovation.
Here are the photos of the completed kitchen.  I am so very pleased with how it looks and my husband is still speaking to me.  He says I', BOSSY!

What's for dinner tonight?  Oh let's go out, I don't want to mess up the new kitchen!!!😄