Sunday, December 21, 2014

Spring is in the air! Another bedroom complete in the Casa!

Fall has come out with all it's splendor and we're back in God's country, North Georgia Mountains.  The weather is awesome and on this trip we had some family come for a few days.  We were able to spend a little time showing off the area and exploring some things we had yet to see.  Usually we are so focused on working on our house, trying to fit as much in as we can in such a short time.  We hit the changing of the leaves at a perfect time.  How beautiful the forested mountains were and the crisp, cold air was a welcome relief from our Florida humidity.

As for our Georgia home, we have made quite a dent in the finishes.  We now have three bedrooms finished and are now ready to start furnishing the third one.  Check out the before and after photos of this room.  We started out with a brown gloomy room with mixed matched wall materials and partial laminate floors.  We ended up tearing down one interior wall and replacing with wood from pallets, then whitewashed them and painted the baseboards and door with a light gray, as the pallet wall ended up with a bit of a gray hue.  The floors were replaced with tongue and groove pine that we left natural and coated with numerous applications of sanding and polyurethane.  The floor was  not too difficult to put down but the smell from the polyurethane was terrible.  All in all, it looks great. 
Take a look at the progress below:


Here's the room finished and decorated.  I had so much fun putting this together.  This was a real budget friendly room and turned out so amazing.  Drapes are drop cloths that I smocked at the top (sorry did not get a close up of this).  Picture was one I took, enlarged and framed; repurposed an old hand-me-down chair with yellow paint and crocheted the throw at the end of the bed.  The bed, night table, wall shelf, mirror and desk we made as well out of pine lumber.  



Here is a picture of the stand we made for this bedroom that is not seen in this photo.  Super easy and again made from pine lumber.  I cannot take credit for the idea itself, normally my go-to is and  Two wonderful sources for free plans.

It took a couple of re-dos on the wall color and getting that "just the right touch".  We're open for company now with three bedrooms complete.  Now on to room No. 4. 

Hope you enjoyed my update.  More project completions to come at Home Made In Georgia!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

How to Make Flavored Tea Bags

How to Make Flavored Tea Bags

This looked interesting.  I am not much of a tea drinker but there is a lot  being claimed about the health benefits.  I think I'll try this.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Items ready for Two Sisters New Beginnings

What a beautiful day it is outside today, feels like spring.  I just finished working in the workshop on 2 items I'll be carting over to Two Sisters New Beginnings to see if they can sell for me.  Here are a couple of pics of these projects:

Shabby Chic wood serving tray I made out of scrap wood left over from other projects.  I whitewashed and added drawer handles.  This was really fun and so easy.

This is the 2nd wine rack I have made for them.  The first one sold at Christmas.  This was made from scraps as well.

Well that is all my projects for now.  Next thing hubby and I are going to tackle will be a bathroom vanity for the upstairs bath in our North Georgia home.  For now, I am going out in the yard and enjoy this beautiful sun…Thank you God for such a glorious day…  Check our Two Sisters:

2014 - New Year, New Things

We've been back in Florida for the winter.  Way too cold up in North Georgia.  Much has taken place during December '13.  My father passed away at 90 years of age.  He lived a long and healthy life but struggled for the last 3 years with that terrible disease we all know as Alzheimer's.   Three weeks after my father's passing my stepmother (his caregiver) took ill and had to have some pretty serious surgery.  During all this I have been back and forth to and from Pensacola helping care for both of them.  Now, PRAISE GOD, she is getting back on her feet and doing better each day.  So things are beginning to slow down for me, somewhat.

Now for some fun stuff!  During my spare time I've been doing some small wood projects which I've been selling at a wonderful little shop in Monticello.  If you've not been there and you are local, you need to check out "Two Sister's New Beginnings".  They have lots of fun, eclectic, shabby chic, things in their store.  All items are made from local folks like myself.  Monticello, Florida is really growing in the little square with quite a few little shops and cafes,  It's a really fun way to spend a Saturday morning with just the girls.

Well, here are a few of the things I've been making:
Shabby Chic Shelf….
Smaller shelf with towel hook….

I mounted this hand towel ring on a piece of wood to give it more character….

I updated the guest bath, which was so badly needed.  The original had a blue and pink floral vinyl wallpaper and ugly pickled oak stained cabinet.  There are actually 2 rooms, 1 houses the lavatory and the other the tub and toilet.   I sanded down the vanity cabinet and painted them white.  What a huge difference this made.  It took me 2 days to remove all the wallpaper, 2 more days to patch the existing sheetrock of all nail holes and tares; and then put a texture on the walls.  2 more days to paint both areas.  All in all, it was a good 2 week project but now it looks great.  Totally amazing what paint can do…Yea!

Pics of the finished bathroom. I did NOT make the little table, it just seemed to fit the space.

Check out "Two Sisters New Beginnings, LLC" website on Facebook: